Customer Care

We are a motivated team of tech lovers. Our motivation is to share our know-how and excitement for quality products with you. We want to spark your tech savviness and we strive to give you an excellent product experience, so you feel happy and confident about your new purchase. To enable you a convenient and hassle-free shopping experience we even take over the tax refund¹ process for you.
Even though we try to inform you as best as possible about the product you purchase, it can happen that you have a question later on. Whatever it may be, feel free to contact us! We are happy to help you!
Contact information:
PAX Airport Shopping GmbH
Kaiserstr. 57
D-60329 Frankfurt
T: +49 69 299 20 86-0
F: +49 59 299 20 86-39
Contact info of each store can be found here: Landside stores or airside stores.
¹) only non-EU-residents
Even though we try to inform you as best as possible about the product you purchase, it can happen that you have a question later on. Whatever it may be, feel free to contact us! We are happy to help you!
Contact information:
PAX Airport Shopping GmbH
Kaiserstr. 57
D-60329 Frankfurt
T: +49 69 299 20 86-0
F: +49 59 299 20 86-39
Contact info of each store can be found here: Landside stores or airside stores.
¹) only non-EU-residents